imaginAtion is the highest kite one can fly
safety is indeed stability, but it is Not progression
don't go through life, grOw through life
the man who has no imAgination has no wings
the secret of nOt having worries is to have ideas
you'll never find rAinbows if you're looking down
what we see depends maiNly on what we look for
happiNess is a direction, not a place
the best way to predict the future is to creAte it
bright peOple don't usually fit into boxes
accept anything, except the in-between and half-way
cOmmon people fear to think beyond the common
creativity is lost in our inAbility to make love with the wOrld
in every real maN a child is hidden that wants to plAy
believe you cAN and you're halfway there
creativity is making the simple, awesOmely simple
life is largely a matter of expectAtions
nothing eNdures but change
luck is what happens when preparation meets opportuNity
even if you have no answers, you have to admire the prOblem
a closed miNd is like a closed book. just a block of wood
success is doing Ordinary things extraordinarily well
every success starts with the decisiOn to try
distance between genius and insane is meAsured by success
i am not Aging. i am ripening to perfection
joy has no cOs
the road to success is Always under construction
success is the child of Audacity
don't go backwArds, you have already been there
no matter where you go, there you Are
cOnvert ideas to things is the secret of success
there was never a genius without a tincture of mAdness
people have one thing in common: they are all differeNt
a person who walks in aNother's tracks leaves no footprint
keep your heels, head and stAndards high
to improve is to change, to be perfect is to change Often
it is much easier to be criticAl than to be correct
don't look forward or backward, try to look upwArd
to move the wOrld, we must first move ourselves
no doesn't mean never but Not yet
the limit of my lAnguage is the limit of my world
it doesn't matter how slow you go as long as you doN't stop
the best way Out is always through
if you don't risk much, you risk eveN more
you were born an originAl. don't die a copy
you must be the chaNge you wish to see in the world
cling to your imperfections; they're what makes you uNique
the future belongs to those whO believe in their dream
happiness secret is freedom, freedom secret is cOurage
the secret to happiness is the jOurney, not the destination
the greater danger is nOt to take the risk
a conclusion is the place where you got tired of thiNking
once we accept our limits, we go beyOnd them
we should never be less thAn what we are
big thinking precedes greAt achievement
if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rAin
i am Not weird. i am a limited edition
clones fit in, freAks stand out
there is No way to happiness, it is the way
life itself is simple... it's just Not easy
limitAtions live only in our minds
perfectly imperfect
if your dreams don't scare yOu, they aren't big enough
cOnvert ideas to things is the secret of success
freedom is realizing you have a chOice
actiOn is the language of success
don't try to change your fAte, change your attitude
who never made a mistake never tried aNything new
always make your future bigger than your pAst
the years in your life don't matter, but the life in your yeArs
dream big and dare to fAil
don't go backwArds, you have already been there
to lOve beauty is to see light
only those who attempt the Absurd can achieve the impossible
i would not say i'm superficiAl, just averagely ficial
change is the parent of prOgress
i'm a prOduct of my decisions
build your own dreams, or someone will hire yOu to build his
success is a decision, Not a gift
your only limitations are the ties you Allow to bind you
find a purpOse to serve, not a lifestyle to live
don't wish it were easier. wish you were better
everythiNg has beauty, but not every one can see
start where you are. use what you have. do what you cAn
strive not to be a success, but rather to be of vAlue
hAppiness depends upon ourselves
live your dreams, not your feArs
life can be understoOd backwards, but live it forwards
we are our chOices
the past is a ghost, the future a dream. all we ever have is nOw
you were born to be an originAl, do not die a copy
if you are not prepared to be wrOng, you cannot be creative
why fit in when you were born to stand Out
everythiNg in life is luck
happiness is not something reAdymade
the key to life when it gets tough is to keep mOving
everything you can imagine is reAl
your time is limited, do not live someone else life
i am not aging, i am ripening to perfectioN
your amazing life is in your hAnds
always remember yOur why
focus on what mAtters and let go what does not
be brave, take risks, nOthing can substitute experience
make it simple, but sigNificant
little things make big things happeN
bring your Own sunshine
stAy positive
what you thiNk you become
be you. the world will Adjust
too much ego will kill your tAlent
sometimes the hArdest thing is the right one
i am still learNing
never hOpe for it more that you work for it
expect nOthing and appreciate everything
we must bring our owN light to the darkness
happyness is easy when we let go things that do not mAtter
life goes fast. enjoy it. calm down. it's All funny
step Outside your comfort zone to expand
if you obey all the rules you miss All the fun
my body is my journal, and my tAttoos are my story
do Not wish, do
be hAppy, it drives people crazy
the skull is nAture's skulpture
you are capable of amazing thiNgs
i am a duck, calm on the surface, struggling underNeath
to play without passion is inexcusAble
life is a bAlance of holding and letting go
dreams do not work unless you dO
stAy true
you have to fight to reach your dreAms
good things happen when you gO for it
do not do great things, do small things in a greAt way
things of quality have nO fear of time
life is a mirror of your consisent thOughts
nobody can hurt me without my permissioN
everybody has a dArk side
je m'en fOu
tOut est possible
universe is impredictable, that is way it is so much fuN
the best road to progress is freedOm
assume Nothing
can't edit your sOul
the key to success is to keep thinkiNg one step ahead
whatever you do be Authentic
i am the lizard king. i can do aNything
i am not perfect, but i Am myself
change is the end result of true learniNg
magic is something you mAke
make the little thiNgs beautiful
life is tough, but so you Are
do not forget the wAy to the peak
do not tell me, shOw me
kNowledge is power
live, travel, adventure, bless and do Not be sorry
passioNately protest mediocrity
i shut my eyes in Order to see
a path without obstacles probAbly leads nowhere
slow but steAdy wins the race
autenticity is magNetic
expect nothing and appreciate everythiNg
living things have no iNertia, and tend to no equilibrium
you are amaziNg, remember that
inNovate, do not duplicate
someday, men will visit ideAs instead of places